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My name is Chris Olson.
I'm running for Portland City Council, District 2.
I want to be your voice on our city council.

I’m a renter. I’m a democratic socialist. I’m an activist and community organizer. I’ve worked in the non-profit sector for over a decade and spent 4 1/2 years in the inner city of Chicago. I’ve always been on the ground working with everyday people.

I’m the youngest candidate in the race for City Council, District 2. 
I believe my experiences put me in a unique position to understand the concerns of my generation and those coming after me, particularly those who feel left out and left behind in this economy.

I’m running because like many people I’m frustrated by how our city government ignores the needs of Portlanders. I believe it's time to have responsive and empathic representatives on city council.


I will be the voice of the people on Portland City Council. I have committed to several pledges in my run for city council. I've signed:

  • Save Portland Street Response pledge

  • No Fossil Fuel Money pledge

  • Green New Deal pledge

  • No Police Money pledge

  • Renters' Bill of Rights 

My Commitment to You

I am committed to serving the residents of District 2 with integrity, transparency, and accountability. As your city councilor, I will always put the needs of our community first. I believe that by working together, we can build a brighter future for all Portlanders.

Join the campaign to elect Chris Olson to
Portland City Council, District 2.

Paid for by Friends of Christopher Olson. PAC ID# 23214. © 2024.

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